The 5 Step Strategy To Transform Your Teen From Being Overwhelmed and Stressed Out to Confident and Balanced

(even if they doubt their self worth and feel pressure to succeed)

  • The step by step process any parent can use to transform their teen’s mindset, boost their confidence and teach them the essential skills they need to be successful in school and life in the real world ….. Without nagging or helicopter-parenting.

  • How any parent can help their teen believe in themself, feel motivated, and have the confidence to achieve their goals... even if they doubt their own self worth.

  • Why teens don't learn how to effectively manage their time in school; And what parents can do TODAY to help their teen start balancing all of their responsibilities... without them even realizing it.

  • How our teen clients eliminate the stress and anxiety that comes with being overwhelmed and how they recover quickly from setbacks…all with an easy strategy that makes it happen practically overnight.

  • AND how to achieve all of this so your teen can become the empowered best version of themself, feel excited about their future, and have a fulfilling and joyful life

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Natalie Borrell

Natalie is a certified academic life coach and licensed school psychologist. She has worked with teens for over 16 years and has become an expert at helping them realize their potential and learn the skills they need to find lifelong success and confidence. She has a special knack for explaining things in a way teens understand and in a way that helps them "buy in" to the coaching process so they can see positive results quickly.

Natalie founded Life Success for Teens in 2016 and has compiled a team of amazing heart-centered coaches. She takes great care to match each and every teen with a coach that will be a perfect fit for their personality and needs. The rapport the coaches establish with their clients, as well as their non biased voice and unique strategies allow them to get results that other programs can't.

Teens thrive in the Life Success for Teens coaching program because the coaches are relatable, authentic, and have a sense of humor. BUT, they are not afraid to address concerns, hold their clients accountable, reflect on "what's not working" and deliver results.

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